
People engagement plays a key role in any change communication plan. You want to listen and learn. You want to co-create solutions. And you want to unleash energy and excitement.

I can help you manage and carry out internal interviews to facilitate learnings. I can help you conduct workshops to co-create solutions. And I can help you plan and hold events to communicate your strategy and celebrate progress.


    If you want to move people, you need to understand where they are and how they see the challenges ahead. Interviews can be an indispensable source of knowledge.


    Your people are the experts, and their input is crucial to succeeding with change. Workshops can play a key role in building ownership and engagement.


    Your organization is full of energy. With internal events you can provide clarity on direction, build engagement and channel the energy in a constructive direction.

Marie Elkjær

I have 20 years’ experience in communication and management. I spent 10 years as a consultant in leading Danish design and communications agencies and 10 years in international business.

Holding a variety of roles from project manager in 1508 and Advice to director in the VELUX Group, I have driven communication and change on a global scale, but also been heavily involved in actual communication planning and development.